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The Airfix Cup website and competition system


Since 2017, the National Airfix Aeronautical Model Engineering Competition has been managed using a custom-built web-based software.

The aim was to reduce the manual paperwork and spreadsheet wrangling involved with judging and scoring of the entries.

Being a software developer by trade, I was able to employ my day-job skill set into solving this problem.

Originally hosted on the SprueCutters.com servers, the System was relocated into its own home when the airfixcup.com domain was registered in 2018.

Judging System

The System was well-received by Participants and Judges alike.

System Features

Entering scores via iPhone

Judges simply drag sliders to capture the score.

Events in 2020

In 2020, the Event was held Online due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Hobby Bounties also organised many smaller events, all of which were hosted on Facebook.

Events in 2021

Whilst convenient, there were some drawbacks to hosting these events on Facebook.

Not every modeller has (or wants) a Facebook account.

Judging the entries became a tedious task because all entries were lumped together under the “discussions” tab of the event page; with no categorisation.

Additionally, the judges had no place to note the scores under each judging-criteria. Therefore, I decided to revamp the System to handle multiple online events.

Thankfully, I was able to get some time off work, and after 36 hours of coding (over one week), I was able to update the System with these enhancements :

  1. Multiple events can be created and managed by Administrators.
  2. Participants will now have a “dashboard”, where they can see all their entries submitted in all Events.
  3. Participants register their entries to a specific Event.
  4. Participants upload up to 6 photographs per Entry, for judging.
  5. Judges can judge all entries in a specific Event and Category.
  6. Judges can see full-resolution photographs of each entry.
  7. Judges will record their scores for each entry, in each of the 6 criteria.

I trust that this System will continue to facilitate the running of future events, including ones conducted in-real-life, once the restrictions are lifted.

I am glad and honoured to be able to contribute to this hobby and to the community.

This system can be easily adapted to other events.